Alkaline Phosphatase


Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is the enzyme in the blood which helps break down proteins. The body uses ALP as an important role in liver function and bone devlopment. A Higher than normal ALP levels in the blood can potentially indicate a problem with the liver and gallbladder. This also included hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, gallstones, a blockage in the bile ducts, and congestive heart failure.


Alkaline Phosphatase


Average competitors price


Pricing based on average direct to consumer pricing.

Reference Range(s)



   Male (U/L) Female (U/L)
0-6 Days 46-245 46-245
7-14 Days 69-306 69-306
15 Days-<1 Month 113-412 113-412
1-5 Months 104-450 104-450
6-11 Months 100-334 100-334
1-9 Years 117-311 117-311
10 Years 128-396 128-396
11 Years 125-428 100-429
12 Years 123-426 69-296
13 Years 100-417 58-258
14 Years 78-326 51-179
15 Years 65-278 45-150
16 Years 56-234 41-140
17-19 Years 46-169 36-128
20-49 Years 36-130 31-125
>49 Years 35-144 37-153
  • Fasting Required: NO
  • Preferred Specimen: Serum
  • Turnaround Time: 3 Days
  • Test Code: 234